Crazy Dogs is a cutesy puzzle game with a twist!

Your dogs need looking after. Help alleviate their statuses by dragging and dropping the relevant item from the hot bar onto the dogs. Taking too long or giving an incorrect item will make the dogs impatient.

Hungry? Try giving it food

Thirsty? It just wants a little bit of water

Bored? Dogs love playing with toys

Broken heart? The dogs need love too so click on the dog and see what happens!

If the dogs get too close, it'll make them angrier so move them away if you can; all while managing what items to give the dogs!

Be careful though, testing the dog's patience means they have the perfect excuse to wreak havoc on your place!

Play out the timer to advance to the next level.


Left-Click - drag & drop item into the game

Right-Clickmove a dog away from other dogs to avoid them getting angry

Spacebar - quickly reset items back to their original position

Note: On Firefox, the game opens as full-screen. We can't do anything about that as it's related to the interaction between Godot Web export & Firefox. The game wasn't designed to scale to full-screen so apologies, give it a go on Chrome if you can!


  • Sometimes if the animal receives a new status as it's in the boundary of a previously spawned item, it won't react to any item you give it. This causes the patience to constantly deplete resulting in a game over.
  • Sometimes the dog will get stuck and using right-click won't do anything. In this case, use right-click above the dog, near the base of the wall and that should allow the dog to get unstuck.

This game was created for the Brackeys Game Jam (Calm before the storm).

Let us know how you like it and what we can improve on :)


Art - lusternite

Development - jamalkoya & ItsDahlia

Music - portlandhorton

SFX - lusternite

External Asset Packs:

BittyBeastie -


Free Game Assets:

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